The needs of consumers and families can be complex and at times seem never ending. Therapists, social workers and caregivers naturally find themselves in the role of helper. Although we strive to do the best for those we support, it is unrealistic that this care will remain in place through the entirety of a person’s journey. People must learn to access resources naturally occurring in their community in order successfully navigate life. Within our newsletter series, we hope to share with you relevant community resources – everything from housing to transportation to make these challenges a little bit easier for you or someone you know.
If you have a resource you’d like featured in an upcoming newsletter, please email us details at [email protected].
Certified Brain Injury Specialist Training
Looking to complete self-submission of CEUs by year end?
Want to increase your understanding of brain injuries?
Want to earn a few more letters behind your name?
Trying to enhance your resume?
If you said yes to any of the above, we are here to help!
This year, communityworks, inc. launched a self-paced online training platform for Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) training.
Our online training allows individuals immediate access to 12 training modules (for a year!), study guides, flash cards, and more. Trainees also have ongoing access to the trainer to answer questions and touch base throughout their training.
To close out the year, we are discounting the CBIS training by 20% when you use promo code SEEYA2020 as you checkout online.
This promo code expires December 31, 2020!
Click here to learn more!
November 2020 Coping With Covid: A webinar series on Covid issues and stressors
Mental Health America of the Heartland is presenting mental health webinars addressing COVID issues and stressors that increase depression and suicide risk, including isolation, drug and alcohol use, unhealthy eating and sleeping, lack of hope for the future, loss of a loved one and economic loss. These webinars are designed for the general public and community. The one-hour sessions will be repeated through February 2021. Included is a Question and Answer session, with post session availability with staff and presenter to address individual issues, provide resources and referrals. See the listing of webinars below to register. Envisioning Your Post-COVID Future
Mon., Nov. 23, 2020: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Zoom Webinar
Learn how to address the many challenges during this time of COVID including managing the uncertainty in the months ahead. This webinar will discuss the importance of being equipped with the “Triple A’s” – Anticipating, Allowing and Accepting to help keep one’s batteries fully charged. Register to learn more. Grief During COVID
Mon., Nov. 30, 2020: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Zoom Webinar
COVID has taken so much from us: loss of life, loss of normalcy, loss of being able to physically show up for each other, loss of being able to plan for the future. This presentation will discuss various losses created by COVID, grief theories, and how to continue to do necessary self-care while doing grief work. Register to learn more
Free Flu Shots & Medical Visits Ends Dec 30th 8:30am- 5:00pm
Mercy and Truth Medical Missions
721 North 31st Street
Kansas City, KS
For appointments:
Living with a brain injury can be lonely. It helps to know you are not alone – whether you are an individual living with a brain injury or a family caregiver. Many people who participate in a support group express relief in finally finding others who “get it.” There are many support groups throughout the Kansas City metro area and Kansas. Currently many of the groups maybe on hiatus because of CODVID-19. The following listing includes support groups meeting virtually:
Contact: Eric Hansen, for sign in information
Meets: 3rd Tues. of the month 7pm
Contact: Eric Hansen,
Survivors & their families 1. Meets: 4th Wed. of the month-3pm-4:30pm (contact for log-in)
Contact: Julie van Foeken, Neurorestorative
Phone: 785-727-7614 | F 785-727-1905 2. Meets: 2nd Tues. & 4th Thurs.of the month- 7pm (not meeting Thanksgiving Day)
Contact: Brent Clark [email protected]
Phone: 913-269-2574
To join by video:
Type in your Name and Email Address to join the Support Group.
To join by phone: 1-844-855-4444.
When prompted, the access code is 455 241 followed by the # sign 3. Meets: 3rd Thurs. of the month- 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Contact: Faye Miller [email protected]
Phone: (785) 207-2606
Virtual: contact Faye for log-in information 4. Meets: 2nd Tuesday every other month beginning in Nov., 2020- 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Contact: Dolly Wood, [email protected]
Phone: 913-588-6943
Virtual: Contact Dolly for log-in information
COUNSELING RESOURCES, INC. (CRI) is a behavioral health group that has been providing out-patient mental health and substance abuse services since 2007. CRI’s diverse team of clinicians have a wide range of expertise which allows us to match the service to the individual. CRI’s success has been based on the philosophy of bringing the service to the community. Early intervention and accessibility is the first step in the solution.
Grief and Loss
Anger Management
Psycho-social issues
Crisis Intervention
Loss of Independence
Transitions in Life
Acceptance of Change
Social Withdraw
Coping with physical changes
Family struggles & Challenges
Traumatic Brian injuries
Gender Identify
LGBTQ challenges
Substance Abuse Issues
Behavioral Changes
Relationship Challenges
Evidence Based Systems
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Mindfulness Practices
Motivational Interviewing
Internal Family Systems
Assertive Community Treatment
MISSION: Provide cohesive mental health therapy and drug and alcohol counseling so that individuals of all ages can achieve stability and feel empowered to live a productive life.
Counseling Resources, Inc. (CRI) is an outpatient mental health agency and outpatient substance abuse treatment program specializing in the treatment of people of all ages including children, adolescents, low-income adults and elderly with Medicaid and Medicare coverage. For more information contact us at [email protected] or Rebecca or Rebecca2020-11-23 16:15:062020-11-23 16:15:06Sharing On Behalf of Minds Matter: November 2020