Monday Morning Update from JCDS

Your Monday Morning Update:

Greetings my friends! I’ve missed you.

My period of mourning is over and I’ve decided it is time to put away my black veil, change my attitude, and get on with what will be. I must admit, I kind of grew attached to the veil.  It helped me through several bad hair days.

January 1, 2014 is just around the corner when intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) supports and services will be included in KanCare.   However, in order for this to happen, Kansas has to seek an amendment and get approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

I know…you are thinking “here we go again” aren’t you?

Kansas is requesting CMS approval for three changes to the current KanCare plan.  These are:

  1. Approval to provide long-term supports and services to folks with I/DD through the Managed Care Organizations (MCO). 
  2. Approval for three new pilot programs.
  3. Approval to postpone implementation of the Delivery System Reform Incentive Pool funds by one year.  This program supports participating hospitals’ efforts to enhance access to and quality of care.

Before this request is submitted, the State must demonstrate that they have solicited public input.  There are two meetings arranged for this purpose.

  • The first meeting will be at 2 p.m. July 15th at Wichita State University Metroplex, Multipurpose Room at 5015 E. 19th St. N. in Wichita.
  • The second meeting will be held at 10 a.m. July 16th at the Downtown Ramada in the Madison Ball Room in Topeka, at 420 S.E. Sixth St.

If you are interested in attending either meeting, please do so.  If you are unable to attend a meeting there will be teleconference access for the July 16th meeting.  The participant dial-in number for the event is 866-491-3158.

You can also submit written comments or questions to

I’d encourage you to attend or listen in and do what you do best – ADVOCATE!

Warm regards,

Lurena Mead

JCDS Community Relations Manager

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